Our sector-specific Research and Development tax relief  experts  offer a broad range of expertise in many different fields of commerce and industry

 Pursuing Innovation 

Architecture firms pursuing innovations or major improvements in environmentally-friendly building design could qualify for the Government’s generous research and development tax reliefs.


Over the last 20 years, we’ve seen sustainability become a key driving force in innovation in architectural design.

A game-changing report in 2010 from the Government’s Department for Business Innovation Skills found that at least 80% of CO2 emissions came from the way we use our homes and workplaces.

This led many firms to initiate research projects looking at better solutions for a healthier and more efficient way of using these structures.

for Architecture

Many architecture firms have invested time and money in exploring new perspectives on energy-efficient designs and materials, to come up with ‘greener’ places to live and work.

Solving many complex technical problems along the way means that firms pursuing these pioneering projects have made themselves eligible to take advantage of R&D tax relief.

In many cases, architecture firms had simply not realised that their work met the Government’s criteria.

Our experts in the field of architecture and design will be able to advise you on the best way to gain the maximum advantage from this valuable financial assistance.